ASB School Stories

Located in the heart of Mumbai, India, the American School of Bombay is a coeducational, independent, IB day school from Pre-K to Grade 12.

At ASB, every one of our teachers is a unique practitioner, valued for their international experience, innovative approach to teaching and learning, commitment to effective assessment, and for their ability to connect in meaningful ways with their students.

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Our collegiate environment ensures we are committed to building trust and a positive working environment that promotes self-reflection and accountability for all our teachers.

Two-thirds of our internationally trained and experienced faculty hold advanced university degrees.

We invest in our teachers and provide them with every resource to advance learning and remain at the forefront of educational excellence, from infrastructure to technology, facilities to professional development.

ASB’s professional growth model relies on a balance of dedicated professional development days and in teachers taking a high level of responsibility for the development of their own plans and a proactive approach to sharing what they learn with the wider faculty. 

Teaching Standards

Teaching standards are a teacher's job description for our school. They define specific teaching behaviors that are based on research and current practice, and that we know will influence student achievement. 

ASB’s Teaching Standards were developed by a task-force of teachers and administrators and are based on Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching and incorporate ISTE's NETS-T standards.

Effective teachers model and apply the ISTE Standards for Students as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning, enrich professional practice, and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community.


Broad categorization

A: Planning and Preparation

B: Teaching and Learning

C: Learning Environment

D: Professional Responsibilities

Explore ASB

Vision & Values
Vision & Values
Educational Philosophy
Educational Philosophy