Located in the heart of Mumbai, India, the American School of Bombay is a coeducational, independent, IB day school from Pre-K to Grade 12.
Assessment for learning is interwoven with the daily learning in our Elementary School at ASB and helps teachers and students to find out what the students already know so that the next stage in learning can be planned.
Assessment of learning is what happens at the end of teaching and learning and provides the students with opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned. The child’s learning will be assessed in a wide variety of ways, focusing on the learning process as well as on performance.
These include:
In Pre-Kindergarten, our program uses a developmentally-appropriate assessment tool that is continuum-based, allowing for teachers to develop differentiated engagements that lead to the success of all learners.
Our form room teachers in K – G5 provide parents with more specific information regarding learning expectations and assessment at the child’s grade level.